Parents Night Out
Held each month, alternating locations, with different exciting themes from 7 – 11 pm. The next party is “Lego Night” on Friday, March 12th at our Wylie location (6410 Buffalo Gap Road). These are for all children ages 5 and up, invite friends and family while parents can enjoy a night out knowing the kids are in the safest place in Abilene. It is ONLY $25 per child or just $20 each for 2 or more kids coming together, which covers pizza, refreshments, games, and tons of FUN! Sign up at the front counter today or online.
Closed for Staff Training
We will be closed from Tuesday, March 16th – Saturday, March 20th due to our instructors traveling to Houston for continued International Instructor education. We will all be learning and improving ourselves as martial artists and instructors to bring it all back to better serve our members as well. There will be NO classes at either location, in-person or online, for those 5 days. Feel free to make up any missed days during the week before or after. We do have classes that Monday the 15th, and will be back on schedule the week of the 22nd, including all classes as normal on Saturday the 27th, which is the same day of the Belt Graduation. We will also be sending everyone some training videos through text and email. You need to subscribe to the James Cox Martial Arts YouTube channel for more at-home videos to practice while we are closed, as well as like our Facebook pages.
Both School locations (South 14th & Buffalo Gap) will be closed and hold no classes (in-person or online) for the following dates:
- Tuesday – March 16
- Wednesday – March 17
- Thursday – March 18
- Friday – March 19
- Saturday – March 20
Belt Graduation
Saturday, March 27th is belt test graduation You must be signed up and have your test fee paid online. This will be held at the S. 14th location.
The Graduation Experience is for everyone ages 5 and up that currently has 2 black stripes and will earn their third stripe in classes during testing on Wednesday or Thursday, March 24th or 25th. The belt graduation is the final step and is a big show that is mandatory for everyone to attend. It will be held at the Rise Church Gym on Saturday, March 27th at 517 North Pioneer Drive (park in the back parking lot). Students must be there by 2:45 pm to the line-up, be ready to perform, and enjoy the celebration! We start at 3:00 and will be done by 4:30 pm. Dress in your full program uniform: (no shorts). You must be signed up and have your test fee paid by the deadline of Monday, March 22nd at 10:00 pm, for your belt and certificate, to be awarded at graduation.
The 3-4-year-old Tiny Champs currently with 2 stripes will graduate during their regular class on Wednesday, March 24th, or Thursday, March 25th, but still, need to register online before the 22nd. The only people that will not be graduating on the 27th are Red 3’s, Black Belts, and any new white belt that enrolled after February 15th.

Show your PMA School Spirit
We have FREE auto decals located at the front counter for you to all put on your vehicles and represent the best martial arts school in town. We love seeing our stickers all around Abilene, so get yours on and show your PMA support.